Think Outside the (Pool) Box

| Interstyle, News

Think Outside the (Pool) Box

Break the Rules and Be Creative

Think outside the Pool Box

Looking for creative ideas using 12″x12″ solid color sheets? The good news is that the possibilities are endless! With a little bit of imagination, you can use these sheets to make a variety of fascinating patterns and designs that will take your projects to the next level.

Think outside the Pool Box - sample pattern
Think outside the Pool Box - sample pool rendering

Typically, a single sheet measures approximately 12″x12″ and takes the form of a square. However, if you cut this square along its diagonal, you will end up with two triangles. By utilizing both squares and triangles, you can explore a plethora of design possibilities and create various captivating patterns.

Think outside the Pool Box
Think outside the Pool Box

Thinking outside the box means exploring ideas that are creative and unusual and not limited or controlled by rules or tradition.

Why not consult a child? In their eyes, anything is possible. Engaging in conversation with children can spark remarkably creative brainstorming sessions, often revealing simpler solutions than initially imagined.

think outside the pool box - consult a child

City Water Park. Tiles finished with Corundum (enhanced slip resistant)

Get design consultation and a free quote!

Whether you are seeking a distinct solid field tile, an exclusive blend, or a custom mosaic, we offer a broad range of options. To get started, you have the choice of either requesting a complimentary Pool & Spa book or selecting a preferred color scheme from our collection of 240 shades.

interstyle glass tile pool color book
interstyle 240 colors for your dream project

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Exclusive solid sheet Pool Pattern! Easy to install and excellent outcome.

Exclusive solid sheet Pool Pattern! Easy to install and excellent outcome.

Contact us directly with your idea and let us work through the details to bring your project to life.

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